Crowning Star SAL Week 2 Replay + Recap

Crowning Star Sewalong Week 2 replay

It's Week 2 of the Crowning Star SAL and this week we're basting our pieces and starting to make our blocks! Woohooo! 

During the live session I started to use some different fabrics and like any experiment, after the fact I just wanted to switch out the fabric of some of my pieces! 🤣 Well, it's all trial and error right? If we don't try, we won't know. So by next week you'll probably see a few changes to my block that I started during the live session. 

I take you through basting all the pieces for the Crowning Star Block, not the Triangle Star Setting Triangle since we have sewalong participants that are making some of the main blocks. This way everybody can get started on their blocks and as we go along, I'll cover the Triangle Star Setting Triangle block. 

Jump in, catch the replay and let's get your pieces basted and sewn together! 

PS. Pay close attention to the basting orders I share with you in the video! 😉

The quilt version has 13 full sized blocks and 4 half blocks and I think making 3 blocks by next week sounds doable, do you? If you only have time for one, that's ok too! Just pick a pace that works for you and as long as you're enJOYing the process, that's all that truly matters. 💕

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Did you know you can get papers for individual blocks? This way you can sample the Crowning Star before committing to a full sized quilt..or if you're a fan of mug rugs like me, then a block or two might just be what you want! Check out the Crowning Star options in the shop HERE

Looking for fabric bundles? Check out the blog post:


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