Crowning Star SAL Week 1 Replay + Recap

Crowning Star Sewalong Week 1 replay banner

How are your coloring pages and fabric pulls coming along? If you haven't shared yet, please do! It's super inspiring to me and other makers to see what colors you're playing with and the fabrics you're picking out to make your Crowning Star with! 

Sure we'll want to get our hands on more fabric but that's the fun of seeing inspiring fabric pulls by other makers, right? And what I love most is seeing how fabrics I might never even have seen or considered made into a fabulous block by you! Sooooooo, don't forget to share! Puhleaaaaase!

To keep everything in one central area I thought I'd put the live video replays here in blog posts for each week instead of just sending out an email. This way, if you can't want the lives or you find yourself looking around for previous videos YouTube, you won't have to since they'll all be here on my blog! 

What we covered week 1:

  • Cutting your fabrics for the shapes in the main Crowning Star block.
  • How to place the templates on your fabric strips to cut them out.
  • What to consider if/when you want to fussy cut fabrics.
  • Needle choices and options
  • Thread choices and options

Homework (yes!): 

Cut out your fabrics for at least 1 main Crowning Star block so we can move onto basting and sewing order during the Week 2 LIVE session. 

Please note: 

  • If you're just doing individual blocks instead of the quilt, then just precut enough fabric for 1 block.
  • If you're doing the quilt with me, then you could also just start off with cutting pieces just for 1 block if you haven't yet decided on all the fabrics for your blocks. This way you'll be able to follow along as I share best basting tips and tricks! 
  • If you already know which fabrics you want for all your blocks, then go ahead and cut them all out! Woohooo!! Basting party time! 

I think that's about it, and remember, the fabric requirements can be found HERE, and I'll be LIVE on my  YouTube channel every Tuesday at 12pm PST/3pm EST. 

PS. Looking for the coloring page? Sign up for the Crowning Star Sewalong HERE and it'll zip zap on over to your email inbox! 

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