Crowning Star fabric requirements

Crowning Star Blocks announcing the Crowning Star Sewalong starting February 21, 2023

Here are the fabric requirements for the Crowning Star quilt for your reference!

Scroll down to download a copy to print out! 


You can download a copy HERE.

Aaaaaand, here are some mock ups for inspiration! You've got lots of different ways of combining colors and prints for the Crowning Star blocks! 

Bold colors that pop, tiny floral prints like Brenda Riddle's collections, yummy Emily Belle by Liberty in alllll the colors of the rainbow, solids.....

Then there are the fussy cutting opportunities! Oh my, so many choices, so little time. Story of my life, what about yours? 😂 

Whichever fabric collection, or groups of solids you choose to go with, choose what makes you HAPPY and excited to work on this quilt!

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