Tuesday LIVE 2/14/2023 replay - Crowning Star preview

Missed my Tuesday LIVE session where I gave you a Crowning Star preview? 

Catch up here! 

Oh and a quick reminder too, that I'll be LIVE every Tuesday for the next 6-8 weeks at 12pm PST / 3pm EST for the CROWNING STAR SAL on my YouTube channel HERE (I'm saying up to 8 weeks give or take depending on how you're all feeling and doing with the sewalong as we're progressing!) 

Need a time zone converter? CLICK HERE.

Also, if you happen to have any HEXAGON DIAMOND QAL questions, that's a good time to hop on the live and ask me as well! We've got folks joining the HEXAGON DIAMOND QAL on a daily basis as well as it's a great intro to English Paper Piecing and a SUPER fun way to turn your basted stash of hexies (you know you've got them!) into a project you can use/display/gift !

I'll be posting updates here on my blog and as a community we'll be sharing and cheering each other on inside my FB group. 

Inside my Facebook group, The English Paper Piecing Society. Come and join us here! 

Get your templates from my shopand let's get started on Tuesday February 21, 2023 at 12pm PST! 

CLICK HERE to go to the shop!

Choose from the following:

1. Precut paper templates

2. Acrylic templates with a 1/4" seam allowance

3. Acrylic templates with a 3/8" seam allowance

4. PDF templates (print and cut by hand)

5. SVG templates (download and cut with your cutting machine like Cricut, Scan N Cut, Silhouette)




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