Acrylic Templates are in the shop!

Finally got some exciting news to share about the acrylic templates! We've got the templates for the Dilly Flowers available as a 2pc set for the 1/2", 3/4" and 1" sizes,

May Blossoms available as a 2 pc set for the 3/4", 1" and 1 1/4" sizes AND the petal piece is reversible so you can use it to trace both your left and right side petal pieces. 

And Blooming Stars available in the S, M and L size. 

These acrylics are listed in the shop right now! Woohooo!! We'll be adding more templates throughout the week, including templates for the projects in my book Patchwork Gifts and my long awaited pattern Linnea! Yep, you read that right! So, I've been a busy bee behind the scenes and I can't wait to have them all available to you soon! 

xx, elise 

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