Playing with Aurifil thread - 3 thread weights in one project


The February challenge for Aurifil artisans is to use 3+ thread weights in one project. At first I thought it'd be a hard one, but in retrospect, not at all! It was actually quite fun playing with different weights and getting the feel for them while hand piecing and embroidering.

Yes, each thread has a different "feel" as you're pushing the thread through the fabric and I'd definitely recommend experimenting! 

Ah, yes, so my project! I had made this Mini Dilly Flower Hexagon with a mosaic type background back in the fall of 2020 (that sounds so long ago already)...and it was waiting for me to do something with it....waiting.....and waiting.......

....and waiting but I just didn't know what to make with it! But, then I remembered the thread weight challenge and thought it would be perfect for showcasing the wonderful thread weights Aurifil produces! Yay! 

The whole project was pieced using Aurifil 50wt in 2021 (a perfect white) and I just used the one color to piece all the colors and even for the appliqueing part. Oh, and 80wt would actually have been perfect for the applique part too since the fine thread just kinda melts into the fabric. But on this one, I used 50wt for the whole dang shebang! Whoop! (plus I couldn't find my 80wt thread to be honest 🤫) 

I'd been doodling on my ipad trying to figure out how to embellish the flowers and make them pop, and I am so glad I did! I did try a few stitch variations on the fabric itself and changed my mind. That left tiny holes from the needle and thread, but I think they'll wash out...glad it wasn't the whole thing though! (You can see some of the doodling process in the video!) 

 As you can see I used the green Aurifloss in 2912 to make the little leaf looking bits in the intersections of the hexagons and the yellow Aurifloss in 2134 to accent the centers of the Dilly flowers. I took one strand from the Aurifloss and doubled it over to make these stitches and it was smooth stitching through the fabric. 

I have to say though, that I was SUPER impressed by how easy it was to add the white stitches with the 12wt thread! OMG, it is silky smooth and even though it's a thicker thread weight, it didn't feel strained on my hands or hard to pull through at all. Can't wait to play more with 12wt, that's for sure! 

I hope you give playing with and mixing different thread weights a go, because it's a fun tactile experience which gives you the chance to experience different threads and explore how they feel and which ones you might end up having a preference for. Pfew, that was a long sentence! 😂 

One more close up before I let you go! Oh gotta love that yummy texture! 

Now I must ponder which fabric and color to use for the binding. So many decisions....

xx, elise 


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